Thursday 30 October 2014

Health benefits of grapes:

Health benefits of grapes:

    Grapes are rich in polyphenolic phytochemical compound resveratrol. Resveratrol is one of the powerful anti-oxidant, which has been found to play a protective role against cancers of colon and prostate, coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections.

    Resveratrol reduces stroke risk by altering the molecular mechanisms in the blood vessels. It does so firstly by reducing susceptibility of blood vessel damage through decreased activity of angiotensin (a systemic hormone causing blood vessel constriction that would otherwise elevate blood pressure) and secondly, through increased production of the vasodilator substance, nitric oxide (a beneficial compound that causes relaxation of blood vessels).

    Anthocyanins are another class of polyphenolic anti-oxidants present abundantly in the red grapes. These phyto-chemicals have been found to have an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, as well as anti-cancer activity.

    Catechins, a type of flavonoid tannin group of anti-oxidants, found in the white/green varieties have also shown to possess these health-protective functions.
    In addition, the berries are very low in calories. 100 g fresh grapes just provide 69 calories but zero cholesterol levels.

    Grapes are rich source of micronutrient minerals like copper, iron and manganese. Copper and manganese are an essential co-factor of antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is especially concentrated more in raisins. In addition, 100 g of fresh grapes contain about 191 mg of health benefiting electrolyte, potassium.

    They are an also good source of vitamin-C, vitamin A, vitamin K, carotenes, B-complex vitamins such as pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamin.

Dr.S.Senthil Karunakaran, M.D(Siddha)
No 6, Mounasamy Mutt Street,
Ambattur O.T, Chennai – 53
Contact no: 9444403023

Thursday 23 October 2014

Health benefits of gooseberries:

Health benefits of gooseberries:

    Gooseberries are low in calories; 100 g of fresh berries provide only 44 calories. As in blackcurrants, they too have significantly high amounts of phenolic phytochemicals especially flavones and anthocyanins. These compounds have been found to have numerous health-benefiting effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.

    They have moderately well in anti-oxidant values. At 3277 umol TE/100g, gooseberries have oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value comparable to that of red currants (3387umol TE/100g).

    The berries are moderate source of vitamin-C. 100 g of fresh berries provide 27.7 mcg or 46% of daily-recommended intake values of vitamin C. Research studies have shown that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps body develop immunity against infectious agents and help scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals from the body.

    They have small amounts of vitamin A. 100 g berries has 290 IU or 10 % of RDA of this vitamin. Vitamin A is required for maintaining integrity of mucus membranes and skin, and essential component of visual cycle. In addition, consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamins and flavonoid anti-oxidants has been found to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

    Fresh berries contain small amounts of essential vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), folates, and thiamin (vitamin B-1). Some of these vitamins are essential in the sense that the body requires them for metabolism from external sources to replenish.

    Furthermore, gooseberries contain adequate levels of minerals such as copper, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, and potassium.
    Indian gooseberries (amla) are exceptionally rich in vitamin C. However, their anti-oxidant properties come from other anti-oxidant compounds tannins (emblicanin, punigluconin, pedunculagin etc).

Dr.S.Senthil Karunakaran, M.D(Siddha)
No 6, Mounasamy Mutt Street,
Ambattur O.T, Chennai – 53
Contact no: 9444403023

Monday 20 October 2014

Health Benefits of Cumin

Health Benefits of Cumin

  • Cumin is extremely beneficial for digestive disorders and other related problems, such as biliousness, morning sickness, indigestion, atonic dyspepsia, diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome and flatulent colic. Cumin contains an aromatic organic compound called Cuminaldehyde, which activates the salivary glands, thereby helping in the digestion process.

  • The major cause of piles is constipation which worsens with infections in the wound in the anal tract. Due to its dietary fiber content and carminative, stimulating, antifungal and microbial properties, cumin helps in the healing of infections or wounds in the digestive and excretory system.

  • Cumin has been researched to possess detoxifying and chemo-preventive properties, which are important for accelerating the secretion of detoxifying and anti-carcinogenic enzymes from the glands. These compounds combine with vitamins A and C to prevent the risk of developing breast and colon cancer cells.

  • Cumin acts as a stimulant and relaxant, both at the same time. Cumin does not only contain a sufficient amount of B-complex vitamins, it also helps in the digestion process, thereby inducing a sound sleep. These, in turn, have tranquilizing effects and help in overcoming insomnia.

  • Due to the presence of caffeine and aromatic essential oils, cumin makes an ideal anti-congestive combination for people suffering from respiratory disorders, such as asthma, bronchitis, and so on.

  • The onset of common cold frequently weakens our body, thereby declining our immune system. Cumin battles the viral infections responsible for common cold and cough formation. Rich in iron and vitamin C, cumin keeps the infections at bay and strengthens the immune system.

  • The rich iron content in cumin makes it an essential component for producing hemoglobin, which transfers oxygen to all the cells of the body, the deficiency of which leads to anemia. As such, cumin can easily be incorporated into the daily diet of anemic people.

  • Iron is necessary for nursing mothers, pregnant women and those undergoing menses. Cumin contains Thymol, which increases the secretion from glands, including breast milk secreted from mammary glands, extremely significant in lactating women.

  • Cumin, along with milk and honey, is recommended for pregnant women during the entire period of pregnancy for healthy development of the fetus and facilitating easy childbirth.

  • Vitamin E present in abundance in cumin keeps the skin young and glowing. It contains essential oils which have disinfectant and antifungal properties, thereby helping in the prevention of microbial and fungal infection from damaging the skin.

  • Cumin is considered to be one of nature’s best overall body tonics. It helps in enhancing the rate of metabolism and facilitating the absorption of nutrients throughout the body.

  • Cumin seeds are also beneficial for curing renal coli, boils, weak memory, lack of concentration, insect bites, swollen gums, mouth ulcers, acidity and bad breath.

Cumin Nutrition Facts

Amount: 1 cup
Total Weight: 98 g

Basic Components

18 g
7.9 g
7.4 g
67 mg


Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrate
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein


Total Carbohydrates
44 g
Dietary Fiber
10 g
2.2 g

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat
22 g
Saturated Fat
1.5 g
Monounsaturated Fat
14 g
Polyunsaturated Fat
3.2 g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
173 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
3.1 g


Vitamin A
1250 IU
Vitamin C
7.6 mg
Vitamin E
3.3 mg
Vitamin K
5.3 mcg
618 mcg
322 mcg
4.5 mg
Vitamin B6
428 mcg
9.8 mcg
24.2 mg


916 mg
65 mg
360 mg
491 mg
1.8 g
165 mg
4.7 mg
853 mcg
3.3 mg
5.1 mcg

Dr.S.Senthil Karunakaran, M.D(Siddha)
No. 6, Mounasamy Mutt Street,
Ambattur, Chennai – 53,
Contact No - 9444403023