Saturday 6 July 2013


1. Coffee protects against Type II Diabetes: This one isn’t fully confirmed yet, but there are several studies that shows coffee have chlorgoenic-acid which helps in reducing the risk of diabetes II by 7 percent.
2. Protect against cancer: According to Harvard Medical School, studies have shown that those who drink coffee are 50 percent less likely to suffer from cancer. It mainly protect against breast cancer.

3. It’s good for your heart: A number of recent studies show that it protects against heart diseases. Study shows it lowers 20 percent of risk of any heart diseases compared to those who are light coffee drinkers or nondrinkers

4. Memory sharper: It also improves mental performance, helps in boosting short-term memory recollection. In this, researchers found that drinking three to five cups of coffee daily was associated with a 65 percent decreased risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. However, avoid coffee at bed time.

5. Coffee fights depression: Coffee definitely is a mood-booster. From a study, by Harvard School of Public Health they performed a test on 50,000 women and found that drinking coffee lowers risk of depression in women who drink coffee regularly about 20 percent compared to those who don’t drink.

6. Coffee improves body composition and lifts up fat burning: Coffee increases your metabolic rate therefore, you burn more calories, and it can help the body to burn fat rather than glucose for energy. But keep in mind to skip the add-ons like sugar and cream.

7. Coffee lowers gallstone disease risk: Coffee drinkers are generally less likely to develop any gallstones, due to the coffee’s effect on the liver. It alters the cholesterol content of the bile produced by the liver.

8. It reduces the cavity causing plaque: From the studies it shows it have some polyphenolic compounds that help in reducing the formation of cavity-causing plaque. The fact is roasted coffee beans have antibacterial effects against the nasty microorganisms which cause tooth decay.

9. A good source of antioxidants: Coffee has more antioxidant properties than green tea and cocoa from a study. Antioxidants help to keep the blood clean, thus possibly helping to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease and its good for skin too but the only thing have to keep in mind is drink in moderation.

10. It’s good on Parkinson’s disease: A study has done over 30 years show that those who drink coffee have a much lower chance of contacting Parkinson’s disease

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