Saturday 6 July 2013

VIZHI (Vision; Eyes)

                           Eyes not only show objects to the individual but also show the diseases lurking inside a person to the physician. The eyes of a vaatha affected patient is darker,little gloomy and lacrimating. The eyes of a pitha affected patient shows up with yellowish red colour and the kaba patients with pale and mucoid excrements. The yellowishness of the conjunctiva is clear indicator of the jaundiced condition of the body. Bluishness of it indicates the cyanosis of the body.Pallor of the eyes shows the hemic status of the body. In a terminally ill patient when the vision is totally clouded the death is said to result within 5 days. In veedhna kolaarugal there could be exopthalmos or opthalmopathy. In hemorrhage of the internal carotid artery inside the cavernous sinus there would be a condition called pulsating exopthalmos.

               In Horner’s syndrome, there will be enopthalmos. Blindness is said to have occurred when the individual is not able to count from a distance of 3 metres. Also this includes the inspectory findings carried out by the physician. The physician ought to inspect the following for example,
                  1.Naked eye examination of the stools      
                  2.Urine for colour,density,odour,froth and deposit

                  3.semen for colour and consistency

                  4.Eyes for vision field,acuity,colour changes,hemorrhages etc.
                  5.Ears for wax, discharge,tympanic membrane intactness,foreign body etc.
                  6.Nose for Sputum, blood, mucous discharge, polyp,septal deviation etc.  
                  7.Hair for growth, colour,split,falling etc.
                  8.Nails for colour,fissure,split,growth,shine and shape,puckered nature etc.
                  9.Teeth for colour,breakage, cavity,carries,flourosis mottling, dentine exposure etc.
                  10. Palate for cleavage, gumma etc.

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