Saturday 6 July 2013

Drumstick leaves - Health Benifits

              Drumstick  leaves (Moringa  oleifera),  with  a total carotene of 40,000  g/100  g  fresh weight and beta-carotene 19,000 g/100 g fresh weight can be a suitable protocol for dietary  diversification/improvement strategy. These GLVs with their storehouse of polyphenols as well as calcium, iron, folic acid,  riboflavin, vitamin C and  beta-carotene,  should  be used  in  abundance in  order to  maintain  the body  against oxidative damage caused  by everyday pollutants.
              Leaves are also  rich  sources of flavonols such  as kaempferol and  3’-OMe quercetin.  A flavone,  acacetin  and a glycoflavone 4-OMe Vitexin  was also  identified.  The phenolic acids identified included melilotic acid, p-coumaric acid, and vanillic acid Quercetin  is actually  the molecular backbone for the citrus bioflavonoids rutin, quercetin and hesperidin. Quercetin has also been found to inhibit the growth  of human  prostate cancer cells and  human  breast cancer cells.  Quercetin  has antiviral activity  against several types of viruses.  Our results revealed  that maximum polyphenols were identified in the drumstick leaves, which further enhances its role as an  important functional food.

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